iPhone 12 Pro Camera malfunction
Hey. I recently purchased the iphone12. My camera is as good as other iPhone 12. It seems to be blurry a lot. Is there any setting I need to change? This is an example.
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
Hey. I recently purchased the iphone12. My camera is as good as other iPhone 12. It seems to be blurry a lot. Is there any setting I need to change? This is an example.
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 14
It should be pin sharp. The main settings are below but whereas you can lock in exposure you can’t lock in focus.
Take or send it in for checking, or within 14 days you can reject it .
It should be pin sharp. The main settings are below but whereas you can lock in exposure you can’t lock in focus.
Take or send it in for checking, or within 14 days you can reject it .
iPhone 12 Pro Camera malfunction