Did IOS 14.6 Update ruin my Iphone?
So backstory my IPhone X is in almost perfect condition, I have had ZERO issues with it since I have had it. I go to bed, and wake up in the morning to see my phone has installed the 14.6 update. That morning i barely use my phone while at work, then use it to listen to music/utilize a fitness app while working out at lunch and it crashes.. I think maybe I did not have it plugged in all the way last night (even though I know I did) and attempt to charge it when I get home.. my phone will now no longer charge more than 1% and will not turn on the majority of times I try. If I am able to get it on it now says it cannot utilize face scan, and now (even though I have never taken the SIM card out) will also not find my cellular data nor can I go in to the cellular data in settings to see what is happening. I have tried every troubleshooting strategy I have been able to research with no luck..even factory reset! Now I can’t even get through the instructions to setup the phone before it crashes because even while plugged in the charger (which I have confirmed is working) it will charge while powered off up to 1% turn on then stop charging even though it was never unplugged.
does anyone have any further suggestions or is this phone just beyond saving?