Why can’t I see folders in Apps but I can see them in the files App?
I have just received a new iPad (iPad Pro 12.9”, 2021 M1), magic keyboard, and the pencil.
lovely kit. I just wish I new how to use it. Only had it 2 days. :-) so early days.
I’m new to the Apple world.
I understand the windows 10 environment. It seems simpler at the moment.
I am somewhat confused. Slowly working my way through the user guide.
I have copied a folder of photos from my NAS diver to my iPad.
I can see the folder in the Files App but when I go to the contacts app i can’t see the folder of pictures to add them as a contact’s photo. Just some predefined folders.
i have found a way of doing this, by using the updating contact from a long click on the photo itself. So that issue is solved.
But… Generally seeing files in apps seems to be problematic.
They are on the iPad i can see them in the Files App but why can’t I see the folder in the photos app.
It’s the same for the music folder, I copied a folder of mp3 files from my NAS, i can see the folder in Files, i can play a single mp3 file but i can’t play more than one file at a time.
So, I installed VLC as I use that on windows, but it’s not quite the same layout structure ,
i can’t see the mp3 files from the VLC app. But they are on the ipad.
I can’t make playlists!!
I can’t see the files to make one!!
is there something i need to enable to see folders inside apps.
Do i have to import files into an app even though they are already on the iPad?
in the photos app i can see an “Albums” folder, but I don’t know how to copy photos into it as I can’t see it from the Files App.
it seems very modal.
I have imported (i think that’s what i did - not sure now) a folder with a few sub-folder of photos into an app called Raw Power but now all the photos are visible in one big lot and not in their sub folders.
is this an app thing or an iPad thing?
if they are on the device then i should be able to see them from any app!!
Is this they way it is, if so then how does anyone get anything done on an iPad or am i being silly.
maybe it is possible, and I’m sure it must be, I just haven’t worked it out yet.
On a windows 10 system, you open a program, navigate to the folder where the appropriate files are (music, photo etc.) and start working on them.
Hope the above makes sense.
thank you
iPad Pro, iPadOS 14