Over heating my iPhone 12
I bought my iPhone 12 on one month before. And feeling heating problems when it’s charging, playing games, watching YouTube and making video calls. Is it normal or any issues?
I bought my iPhone 12 on one month before. And feeling heating problems when it’s charging, playing games, watching YouTube and making video calls. Is it normal or any issues?
Your iPhone 12 will get warm as it charges. It may even get hot at times depending on ambient conditions and the level of charge applied. All this is normal. If your iPhone gets too hot to operate then it will shut down as a safety precaution. If it has not shut down then it is not overheating and operating / charging normally.
If your iPhone 12 gets too hot to touch then you can have it examined at the Apple Store or at an Authorized Service Center and take advantage of the 1YR Limited Warranty from Apple.
Axel F.
Your iPhone 12 will get warm as it charges. It may even get hot at times depending on ambient conditions and the level of charge applied. All this is normal. If your iPhone gets too hot to operate then it will shut down as a safety precaution. If it has not shut down then it is not overheating and operating / charging normally.
If your iPhone 12 gets too hot to touch then you can have it examined at the Apple Store or at an Authorized Service Center and take advantage of the 1YR Limited Warranty from Apple.
Axel F.
I am not sure how to answer your question because you have omitted the details surrounding the incident. What were the ambient conditions when the incident happened? Were you charging the iPhone at the time? Were you using an app when the incident happened?
You have stated that your iPhone is 3 months old. I recommend that you take advantage of Apple'S 1YR Limited Warranty and have your iPhone examined at the Apple Store or at an Authorized Service Center.
Axel F.
Mine has over heated 2 times yesterday and shutdown what do you recommend doing it’s only 3 months old brought new
Over heating my iPhone 12