Battery drain from IOS 14.5 and on new 4 day old iPhone12
Is Apple planning to fix the issues with the rapid battery drainage of ios 14.5? It is causing me flashbacks to the whole iPhone 6 debacle. Further, I bought an iPhone 12, 5 days ago. It took 4 days for the iCloud update. When I called about the battery drainage I was told to wait and it would be resolved after that finished. Day 1 today after it finished and my battery is at 50% after very little usage since I woke up 6 hours ago. Frankly, I feel like I just wasted a lot of money and should have stayed with the iPhone X -- the 12 has not improved. What can I do to improve battery drainage? I have done all the usual fixes - no background app refresh, turned down screen brightness, etc. (Siri is even using my battery and I never use Siri because I do not find Siri useful) I read somewhere simply carrying my phone around is draining the battery because the onscreen time increases as it is moved. What can be done about that?
iPhone 12