My iMac is not booting
How to do in order for my iMac will be booting normally
Current Pro Desktops
How to do in order for my iMac will be booting normally
Current Pro Desktops
Please tell us which screen you are seeing in and then follow the steps outlined in that advice letter. The final step in all of them is to contact Apple Support if the computer will not start. This normally means you have a hardware issue that needs to be addressed by a professional.
Two process I made. When I press the power button about 5 secs the "? " appears at center. When I press the power button for 10 secs and holding the "Option key" a Back symbol like @ shows at the left center and right arrow shows at right center. What to do next... The mouse is working at this display.
I'm seeing as screen attached.
Then following the 10 secs power button with option key. The screen shows as shown.
What would be the next move....
My iMac is not booting