iPhone 12 Pro max
My phone has been switched from the iPhone XS Max to the iPhone 12 Pro Max and my apps have been “loading” at the same rate , not moving for days now, and I don’t know how to fix it . Please help.
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14
My phone has been switched from the iPhone XS Max to the iPhone 12 Pro Max and my apps have been “loading” at the same rate , not moving for days now, and I don’t know how to fix it . Please help.
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 14
Stay connected to the internet and continue using the iPhone. Depending on the internet speed all apps will get downloaded from the App Store automatically. Apps don't transfer from iPhone to iPhone, only the app data along with app links to the App Store gets transferred.
Stay connected to the internet and continue using the iPhone. Depending on the internet speed all apps will get downloaded from the App Store automatically. Apps don't transfer from iPhone to iPhone, only the app data along with app links to the App Store gets transferred.
There's one incredibly large issue with this solution - the iPhone 12 promax won't connect or stay connected to the internet! I understand this is not an uncommon issue with the 12 promax that doesn't occur with any other of the Apple devices. It's been more than 24 hours and still no internet despite trying workable solutions posted in the forum. Accordingly, less than half of the apps have downloaded, including several I use regularly. Changing the priority level of those had no impact. Android is looking pretty good right now.
iPhone 12 Pro max