Watch shows no devices in Remote, even after connecting with Music on Mac
I recently got a new iMac and was excited to be able to control Music from my Watch. When I connect with the remote app on the watch, I get the 4-digit code, put it into the Music player on my Mac, and am told it's connected. But the watch shows no devices, and continues to show only the 'add device' screen.
In Music in the Advanced tab of Preferences it says paired with two Remotes, one would be my Watch, one would be my iPhone, which...
When I try to connect iMac Music with my iPhone remote app, it connects, and shows the device, but keeps showing only 'connecting to library...', never changing to actually be able to be controlled.
So my iMac thinks both devices are connected; my Watch knows nothing of its connection; and my phone is endlessly 'connecting'.
Any ideas why?
Apple Watch Series 6, watchOS 7