Change image size from iPhone 11 iOS 14.6
When I am ready to send a photo from my Apple Mail I am not able to get these settings to show up from my wife's iPhone 11.
But on my iPhone 13 Max and all of my previous iPhones I have been able to have access to this setting.
What could prevent her iPhone from not seeing these settings? There is one thing I did notice.
On my phone When I Get Ready To Send The Image on the top Right Hand Corner I have a Small Blue Circle with a White Arrow Pointing Upward indicating that I am ready to send the email. With these procedures I was able to have the settings to reduce image size.
But with my wife's phone she does not have the the top Right Hand Corner I have a Small Blue Circle with a White Arrow. All she has is the word, " Send".
I hope that someone will be able to help me.