After Big Sur 11.5 update, what happened to my Documents folder?
After Big Sur 11.5 update, what happened to my Documents folder?
iMac, macOS 10.12
After Big Sur 11.5 update, what happened to my Documents folder?
iMac, macOS 10.12
I didn't lose anything. But the only documents folder is on the tray at the bottom, not in Finder. When I try to save something to my Documents, I can't because it's no longer in Finder. I have to save it to the Desktop then move it into the Documents folder. Double work! Not nice!
Choose Finder > Preferences from Finder's Menu Bar.
I just updated mine too, I have my Documents folders, nothing is missing. If you lost anything try TimeMachine to restore it.
I cannot imagine.
My Documents folder is just fine after my 11.5 update.
Thanks! That worked perfectly!
Excellent. Glad that answered your question.
Enjoy your Mac.
After Big Sur 11.5 update, what happened to my Documents folder?