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Booklet printing in Pages

I've read several entries from January of 2020. I have Pages v 11.1. I need to print a booklet of 30 to 40 pages. When I go to print menu [HP OFFICEJET PREMIUM 6700] there is a pull down near the bottom that has PDF showing, when I pull down thropught that there is a Create Booklet option. When I select that a window opens showing the pages being processed, i.e. counting from 1 to the last one. Then it disappears and there is no print menu to actually print.

I'm about to go from 2018 Mac mini to new Mac Book Pro. I'm also considering going back to Microsoft

Mac mini, macOS 11.5

Posted on Aug 4, 2021 2:23 PM

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Posted on Aug 7, 2021 9:30 AM

There have been 75 feedbacks averaging 4.4/5 on the Create Booklet 2 page in the Mac App Store. That would suggest others have found the product quite useful. The vendor site has more information on this product. In order to perform any imposition of pages in Booklet form, it must be a PDF, so that is your format answer. There is no product trial available.

If you have the free current Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (not Acrobat Trial), open the exported PDF in it, and choose the print tool from its menu bar. Look at the Multiple and Booklet boxes to see if that output can fit your need.

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Aug 7, 2021 9:30 AM in response to senjin

There have been 75 feedbacks averaging 4.4/5 on the Create Booklet 2 page in the Mac App Store. That would suggest others have found the product quite useful. The vendor site has more information on this product. In order to perform any imposition of pages in Booklet form, it must be a PDF, so that is your format answer. There is no product trial available.

If you have the free current Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (not Acrobat Trial), open the exported PDF in it, and choose the print tool from its menu bar. Look at the Multiple and Booklet boxes to see if that output can fit your need.


Aug 6, 2021 1:43 PM in response to senjin

Is PDF > Create Booklet something provided by HP, or is it the old, paid Create Booklet from the Mac App Store of years past, and now replaced by Create Booklet 2? Those PDF sub-menu entries tend to contain names that are no longer installed. For instance, I have one that Saves a PDF to Scrivener, but I do not have Scrivener installed. It appears to process the PDF with a progress bar, but no PDF is actually created. Same useless issue that you are experiencing with the old entry for Create Booklet.

If you have the PDF Documents category selected in System Preferences > Spotlight > Search Results, and Spotlight indexing enabled for your startup drive, try the following to see what PDFs you have created since August 1.

  • Finder Preferences > Advanced > When performing a search: [ Search the Current Folder ].
  • Click the Spotlight menu extra icon: 🔍 or enter this sequence in the Search field of a Finder window:
  kind:pdf created:>08/01/2021


Aug 5, 2021 8:39 AM in response to senjin

Greetings senjin, 

We understand that when opting to print something as a booklet in Pages, you never see an option to print it. 

See if the steps here on how to set that up change the process for you - Print a document or envelope in Pages on Mac There is a section titled, “Print a booklet”.



Aug 5, 2021 1:58 PM in response to AnnieL2

The instructions:

ignore the numbers-

  1. In the Pages pop-up menu, choose Layout.
  2. In the Two-Sided pop-up menu, choose Booklet.

Do not match what the program presents or allows.

The screen shot is what appears after selecting Layout and clicking the option for 2 sided printing. There is no Two-Sided pop-up menu. At the bottom of the window there is a pop-up menu that shows PDF and drops down to offer several options including Create Booklet. When I select that option a small window appears that says it is creating a booklet and with a rapid scroll of pages being process. That then disappears as does the print window. I have been unable to find the booklet that I might have just created and there is no longer any print option apparently open. Following the trite definition of insanity I have done this several times hoping for but not expecting different results.

But thanks for the suggestion.


Aug 7, 2021 12:28 AM in response to senjin

This is how I can set it.

What I notice is that even with these settings, the tiny preview window shows the document layout as 2 per page but still in number order.

If I now save as PDF, the resultant document has a page order that is for being bound as a booklet - that is, mixed up so it only makes sense when folded as if to be bound/stapled.

Now opened in Preview it looks like this:

Is that what you are looking for?


Aug 8, 2021 3:54 PM in response to Woodenbookend

Well, no joy in any of the various configurations. I used Preview to open and print, I used Pages to open Preview and Print and I used Pages to Print. The best outcomes were the pages were in the correct order but alternated upside down.

As you can see from these SS the only location for booklet is at the bottom. And there remains disparities between youor screen shots and mine. The challenge is interesting but I'll be recycling a lot of paper.


Aug 5, 2021 2:02 PM in response to senjin

One more thing. If you send a notice and only offer two buttons that are of a positive nature that means that if the information was not helpful then the respondent must then find a way around a choice of either helpful or problem solved when neither may be appropriate. Try something like no cigar, try again, or something else that indicates there is more to be done.



Aug 5, 2021 2:17 PM in response to senjin


In your screenshot after you selected the check box for Two-Sided next to Copies and chose Layout, below that is Pages per Sheet, Layout Direction, Border and then Two-Sided. Next to Two-Sided it currently shows Long-Edge Binding. Is there an option in there for Booklet?

If so, are you able to select that and then print?

We appreciate you going over these steps with us.


Aug 5, 2021 5:55 PM in response to AnnieL2

In that spot there are three options: off, long edge binding and short edge binding.

there is only one place I’ve found that contains the word booklet and that is the place I have previously described.

At the bottom of the screen shot is a drop down menu bar just wide enough to contain “PDF” and a down arrow. When I put the cursor on that several options are revealed and towards the bottom one option is “Create booklet”. When I click on that a wide window that is not very high opens. Text shows “Creating Booklet “ and a rapid counting of the pages shows the progress at the completion of that both that window and the Print window disappear and I am looking at my document and it shows absolutely nothing to indicate that anything has happened or changed since I went to file>print. I’ve had no success getting a screen shot of the drop down menu under PDF or the progress screen for create a booklet. If I can capture that I will submit it.

I stopped using MS Office a few years ago after being assured Pages could fulfill my needs. Tomorrow I will load Office on my new Mac Book Pro and see how that works. I am curious as to why the documentation for Pages describes something that is not my reality on screen. Perhaps I am misunderstanding what is said but I think my screen shot shows that there is difference between was the instructions say and what appears on screen.

thanks for your efforts.


Aug 7, 2021 8:28 AM in response to VikingOSX

Thanks for your input.

My version of Pages is version 11.1 (7031.0.102) and the Copyright shows 2005-2021 so I have no clue as to an answer for your question. I will offer this, the print menu that I get is from clicking File>Print in Pages. I see that Create Booklet 2 is $19.99 and that would be a good deal if it works. I'll keep that in mind while I try to do this without buying anything else beyond Microsoft Office.

At no place have I found anything that states that booklets can ONLY be printed from PDF's but I'm beginning to think that may be the case. If so perhaps saving the Pages document as a PDF may be helpful.

I did the Spotlight search and only one came up that I created yesterday by saving my document as a PDF. SO no joy.Thanks,


Aug 7, 2021 10:07 AM in response to senjin

I used Save as PDF to avoid using up paper when testing this.

I've just tried printing directly from Pages with the same settings as above and the result is correctly laid out as a paper booklet.

So the only bit that isn't working as I'd expect is the print preview in Pages.

No additional software needed!


Aug 8, 2021 4:12 PM in response to VikingOSX

The Adobe Acrobat Reader DC did the trick - pages printed in order and they all had the correct vertical orientation. Now I need to tweak the Pages documents to get a better fit on the booklet pages.

Many thanks, domo arigato gozaimas, mil gracias!


Booklet printing in Pages

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