M1 MacBook Pro logic board failure
18 Days out of the box .. and the logic board fails .. very dissatisfied
18 Days out of the box .. and the logic board fails .. very dissatisfied
mars130 wrote:
18 Days out of the box .. and the logic board fails .. very dissatisfied
or call AppleCare Support at 1-800-APLCARE (800-275-2273)
Learn how to get your Mac fixed (warranty repair) https://support.apple.com/mac/repair/service
Get your Mac ready for service - Apple Support https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT209095
mars130 wrote:
18 Days out of the box .. and the logic board fails .. very dissatisfied
or call AppleCare Support at 1-800-APLCARE (800-275-2273)
Learn how to get your Mac fixed (warranty repair) https://support.apple.com/mac/repair/service
Get your Mac ready for service - Apple Support https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT209095
Apple sold over 20 million Macs last year. That's over 400,000 a week for 50 weeks. They shipped over 57,000 units per day.
You have a sample of ONE unit, and it is covered by Apple warranty, and Apple will be fix it for free.
You do not have a large enough sample to be statistically significant. Your sample is too small to draw ANY conclusions, especially being disappointed.
Also it was the most highly searched when I looked up logic board failure .. I posted so others who have the same thing happen to them know it’s not just my tiny little sample as you refer to it! Being Canadian living here, honestly I’m not even surprised with your reply since you’re probably American.. you are all so rude!
I am sorry I could not support you, and tell you what you wanted to hear. Your assertion is so outrageously unfounded that no other factual response is possible.
You are also mistaken about my origin. I was born in Toronto.
Well that makes sense I went to the University of Toronto haha .. Also you are completely on factual talk about statistics I’ve had two computers by Apple both of them have crashed that’s literally 100%!of Apple products I’ve purchased that has have issues .. I have 1 Toshiba that is 15 years old and still runs. Also I don’t need your support .. your answer was wordy but incorrect I don’t need to be status ally relèvent in your eyes to be dissatisfied with a product I bought and paid good money for.. not sure who you think you are? Someone who had nothing better to do than troll. I will say had Apple sent me the 200 million laptops and I only had two fail I would have no statistical relèvent argument hahaha 🤣 but a Las every item I’ve purchased from them has had a major issue .. also most importantly why the **** do you care ?
Apple will repair items found deficient in materials or workmanship during the included one-year warranty.
But it make sense to opt to buy the AppleCare PLUS plan during the first 60 days of ownership -- it covers far more (with a modest deductible).
Glad you didn’t receive the defective product. There are lots of people like us who got defective product and it is shame on apple for supplying such defective products.
M1 MacBook Pro logic board failure