KM4889 wrote:
I want to update my mac to Mojave. However, I can't update Mojave because there's an issue launching 32-bit app. How can I update 32-bit app to 64-bit app so that I can update my mac?
Looking forward to your response.
With the release of macOS 10.15 Catalina—
There is a generic warning. Typically you have to do nothing, developers will issue 64-bit version of there software if they want them to continue to run.
Update the macOS update your third party software.
Always advise to have current backup plan—only in this way can you fall back, if there is something mission critical you can not live without.
Revert to previous macOS
Final cut pro is the only real caveat that I know of, that requires some attention:
About incompatible media in Final Cut Pro X
General reference: It never pays to get to far behind in the software or hardware.
32-bit app compatibility with macOS... - Apple Support
Check Your Apps and Prepare for a 64-bit World
Locate all 32-bit apps in System Info