all my itunes files are empty
how can i restore my itunes? all my files are empty.
Windows, Windows 6
how can i restore my itunes? all my files are empty.
Windows, Windows 6
Can you restore the library from a backup? See:
Move your iTunes library to a new computer - Apple Community'
See also How to move your iTunes library to a new computer - Apple Support for Apple's approach to this topic.
Can you restore the library from a backup? See:
Move your iTunes library to a new computer - Apple Community'
See also How to move your iTunes library to a new computer - Apple Support for Apple's approach to this topic.
Thanks, I could probably do a restore from backups, but I know the files are in there somewhere. When I open the iTunes app they’re there. However, I can’t find the files through file manager (Windows 10). Actually I find the file names under “music”, but each is empty.
To backup, see the links I sent you above. But instead of moving it, you want to copy it. In fact, I would recommend cpopying the library to a thumb drive and then copy to your library from there. BTW, do you subscribe got Apple Music?
What happens if you would down the Shift key when you start iTunes? Do you see an alternate library location? Do you subscribe to Apple Music? I don't know, but I suspect that when Apple Music uploads your library . it moves your existing library to another location.
Apple Music, not subscribed. Can’t remember if I got in a free trial a while back. I’ll check to see if I can sign in. Thanks for the links. BTW I think MS one drive may have done just that, uploaded my files and removed them from my pc. I cancelled out of it. Hated it! But, I have a folder of the entire download of files I had on one drive. Now I’ll browse that.
There is a complete backup on my iCloud Drive. Now, what’s the best way to copy it back to my pc?
all my itunes files are empty