Ideas for design next iphone
Have a nice time
I have an idea for the design of the next iPhone I'll be happy to present my idea
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 14
Have a nice time
I have an idea for the design of the next iPhone I'll be happy to present my idea
iPhone 11 Pro Max, iOS 14
Apple does not accept outside submissions for design of devices or software.
Apple does not accept outside submissions for design of devices or software.
It appears the current focus of iphones is on its cameras. How about taking a second look at sounds, music and audio entertainment?
How about developing a phone that will enable my friends who also have iphones and are within a certain radius to be able to connect (with my permission) to my phone (via Bluetooth, etc) and listen to my music or watch videos from my phone? For example, I am in my office or home or party, and I wish to either have a meeting or have my colleagues or friends or family members listen to me or my music directly (real time) through their phones or ipad on their ear pods - while the environment remains quiet.
With the current realities of virtual meetings or engagements, I believe that this would add value. Also, "communities" would see the need to acquire more iphones or Apple products.
Thank you.
Salehjahanbakhsh ~ "Apple and its employees and contractors do not accept, review or consider any unsolicited ideas...". More here:
Unsolicited Idea Submission Policy
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Ideas for design next iphone