how to stop iphone change from speaker to audio
I have an iPhone 12 Pro.
Bluetooth is OFF and is never on.
I have removed facetime.
I do not have linked calls set up. I never have had linked calls on this phone.
The speaker option changes to audio every few days. I turn off and on the phone and
this resets back to defaulting to speaker (no other options).
I want to permanently stop my phone changing from speaker to audio.
I am not connected to iCloud.
I reset my phone, and for several days when I go to make a call (or receive) it
shows the option as speaker.
After several days the speaker icon changes to audio and shows 3 options (speaker,
iPhone and iPad).
My iPad has never been linked to this iPhone and does not have Bluetooth on.
I have gone through the articles that say about unlinking a device but no where
are these two devices linked (That I can find).
I only want the speaker option, and I don't want to have to reset every few days.
My previous iPhone (X) did not do this.
iPhone 12 Pro