Where and when is the MOJAVE security update for September, 2021?
Where and when is the MOJAVE security update for September, 2021?
Where and when is the MOJAVE security update for September, 2021?
And again, if there were the same vulnerabilities in Mojave as found in Catalina and Big Sur, Apple would have issued a simultaneous security update for Mojave. They didn't, and that speaks to their having an intimate knowledge of the operating systems that they support, and the absence of that Mojave security update should speak for itself, meaning Apple deemed no threat present.
Apple, entirely at their discretion, may/not release additional updates for Mojave unrelated to this Catalina/Big Sur security issue — before Mojave drops from the support cycle.
And again, if there were the same vulnerabilities in Mojave as found in Catalina and Big Sur, Apple would have issued a simultaneous security update for Mojave. They didn't, and that speaks to their having an intimate knowledge of the operating systems that they support, and the absence of that Mojave security update should speak for itself, meaning Apple deemed no threat present.
Apple, entirely at their discretion, may/not release additional updates for Mojave unrelated to this Catalina/Big Sur security issue — before Mojave drops from the support cycle.
To those readers of this thread who've posted this link: https://support.apple.com/en_CA/downloads/macos is actually for the July 21st, 2021 Mojave security update I've already spoken about and am anxiously waiting for another. Also, this was not referring to the September 13th Safari for Mojave update. With the threat from the Pegasus malware, I think we're all very troubled by Apple not releasing a patch for Safari on this one. Monterey is still unavailable for general use and the life cycle of Mojave should usually follow from after the release of the third (Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey) software release. Please help Apple.
Regarding Mojave: Yesterday (Sept. 26th) Howard Hoakley from his Eclectic Light, published a longer article on Apple silently dropping support for MOJAVE with this (partial) comment:
WITHOUT APPLE having the decency to inform them, many users realised that their Macs running Mojave are now unsupported. These include Mac Pro models from 2010 and 2012, which were sold until late 2013, many of which are still used in production, although some have been upgraded to Catalina thanks to an unsupported third-party patch. Anyone still relying on 32-bit software, thus unable to upgrade to Catalina yet, is also left in the lurch.
I had hoped that Apple would have chosen to prolong the period of security updates provided to Mojave, in view of its singular place as the last major version which still supports 32-bit software, and whose startup volume remains undivided into an APFS Volume Group. This was an opportunity to accommodate the many loyal Mac users whose key tools haven’t been updated, and who, for good reasons, can’t just run Mojave in a Virtual Machine.
Paradoxically, Apple has worsened the situation with the additional detail it now provides in its Security Release Notes. In the two latest Security Updates to Catalina, it has revealed that one vulnerability in Core Graphics and another in XNU are being actively exploited in malware. Anyone still having to use Mojave must now be wondering whether it too shares those vulnerabilities, but Apple won’t make any further comment, leaving those users dangling in insecurity.
Security update for Mojave was last made as Update 2021-005 the 21/July, 2021 from Apple. They did not say this was the final nor the end-of-life for Mojave. I would expect another security update before Monterey is released to the public in its final form, as is usually the case with previous cycles. Any thoughts on this or when it may occur?
AGAIN, SEPTEMBER 23rd and NO MOJAVE SECURITY UPDATE FROM APPLE SUPPORT ! ALTHOUGH, there was a security update for CATALINA. So what is going on with MOJAVE ? It is not yet time for the cycle of new mac os to eliminate MOJAVE. PLEASE APPLE create a final seucurity update for MOJAVE as soon as possible to protect us users until we're closer to MONTEREY !!! (see the attachment of the announcement for Catalina).
The only security update for Mojave will be beneath the primary operating system Update entry in Software Updates, and it will be just a replacement of Safari 14.1.2 with added security features in it. No operating system update for Mojave as it is nearly a year out of support.
Correction. Mojave is still supported until shortly after Monterey is released to the public, in keeping with Apple's three-year support cycle of current and two previous operating systems. As I am a fellow user, I have no information about Apple's future product or security-related update release schedules.
Yesterday evening, my Late 2013 iMac that is still running Mojave had only a security update for Safari 14.1.2. I just checked Software Update on that Mac about a minute ago and there is no other update present except Catalina which I refuse to install.
It is very possible that functionality was added to Catalina and Big Sur that did not exist in Mojave, and that is why those operating systems already received a multi-GB security update. Since Apple provided Safari 14.1.2 on Mojave previously, it was replaced with a new Safari security update yesterday in Mojave to the same version (14.1.2).
I've been searching for this answer for the past few hours, ever since my IT Dept sent out a warning that they will be remotely updating everyone's Macbook to the latest version of Big Sur so that the latest Pegasus vulnerability is patched. I'm still running Mojave and have no plan or desire to upgrade to Catalina or especially Big Sur. As a developer with many different dev tools installed via homebrew, it's way too much of a hassle to upgrade every package and resolve broken dependencies after an OS major upgrade. It would be one thing if Catalina or Big Sur were improvements over Mojave, but in my experience they are not.
I have my fingers crossed, and I might actually say a few prayers that Apple releases a Mojave Security Update over the next day or so, so that I don't have to get stuck with Big Sur.
Current update for Safari 14.1.2 in Mojave - 13 Sep 2021
Does the Safari-only update for Mojave mean that Mojave users should consider themselves fully open to the Pegasus exploit if using another browser (e.g., Firefox) instead of Safari?
Brian...agree completely with you as to having no interest whatsoever in upgrading to Catalina. Biggest issue, for me, is the 32-bit apps that would no longer be supported.
I meant "Applle not releaseing a patch for Mojave (not Safari) on this one. (see above my previous post)
Where and when is the MOJAVE security update for September, 2021?