geralddasylva wrote:
There we go again! In a world where I use to live, if I purchased something and it stopped performing something that it use to do it was called : broken. In this Apple world, Apple breaks my phone on purpose and I just have to accept it. Wow. What a frustratingly broken new world!
Has anyone seen an apology or an explanation for this loss of function?
Oh! I should have known; it probably is virus related...
Please M.Apple, fix our phones!
The "significant locations" still work the way they were always intended to work. They are intended to "Allow your iPhone and iCloud connected devices to learn places significant to you in order to provide useful location-related information in Maps, Calends, Photos, and more". Apple never intended them to be used directly by the end user. There's nothing wrong with the fact people did. However, it needs to be accepted that, when you use an undocumented feature or use a feature in an undocumented way, sometimes, changes in the intended use of the feature will make that impossible.
And, once again, Apple is not reading here for suggestions or feedback. You can let them know your thoughts here:
Product Feedback - Apple
Meanwhile, there have been several suggestions for alternate solutions in this thread.