giftfromgod wrote:
Apple notified all apple users to upgrade to latest s/w versions recently. I have a Macbook Air and iphone 10. My current s/w version on my Mac is version 10.14.6 MacOS Mojave. What I am ultimately wanting to do is install a new hard drive (never had one) and then replace my Mac to a new one. Genius bar instructed me to get a hard drive first before I get a new Mac. That is why I need to make sure I have the current s/w version on my current MAc so I can install the hard drive. Help! never have done these things!!! just recently separed and I am learning a lot!
Since 2018, Apple began to solder in the SSDs of all MacBook Air laptops, which makes upgrading the internal storage of these models impossible.
Why upgrade an old Macbook Air if you are going to trade it or sell it...(?)
MacSales/OWC has excellent customer support if you go this route
What to do before you sell, give away, or trade in your Mac