How can I find old stuff that was stored I hav ove 19000photos
How can I find old Photos stored in the cloud?
iPad, iPadOS 14
How can I find old Photos stored in the cloud?
iPad, iPadOS 14
I am not talking about delayed files!
I need the steps to how get to The I Cloud where iPhoto’s of recipes I stored !
for example I had 1900 recipes stored and I am paying for storage but do not know what to do to get to the beginning of those stored pages I could only get to recent one on my photos
so What are the steps to see all what stored otherwise it of no use to store them
there are a limited photos that is stored in my IPad the rest is in I cloud stored I do not know how to get to them can you tell me how to find them please?
Did not answer my question how can I find the stored items on my face book
If you have iCloud photos enabled, any photo on your device is also in the cloud, and vice versa. If you delete a file from your device, it is also deleted in the cloud.
You should contact Facebook support; that's not an Apple product.
You'll find all of your photos at But, every photo will also appear on your devices as all of your photos are kept in sync.
How can I find old stuff that was stored I hav ove 19000photos