Trying to restore old Safari session and recover lost tabs/windows with Time Machine
I am running Big Sur 11.6 on a 2016 MacBook Pro. I had a rather large number of tabs in multiple windows open in Safari representing a lot of research effort. Periodically, I would need to restart computer and tabs would all reopen. Occasionally, when I would inadvertently close a window full of tabs or shut down Safari, I could utilize 'Recently Closed', 'Reopen Last Closed Tab', or 'Reopen All Windows From Last Session' commands to recover. Unfortunately I did not have the sense to 'Add Bookmarks For These Tabs', and after an unexpected shutdown of Safari yesterday, I inadvertently opened and closed Safari before using 'Reopen All Windows From Last Session'. Now I cannot recover all those tabs. I have recent Time Machine backups and tried the frequently suggested strategy of restoring a recent version of ~/Library/Safari/LastSession.plist from Time Machine, but when I close Safari and then do this and restart Safari, the 'Reopen All Windows From Last Session' command is greyed out and not available. I have tried this a few times, even restarting computer before reopening Safari, and even trying to restore entire '~/Library/Safari/' folder to no avail. Interestingly, all of the Time Machine versions of LastSession.plist file from the last few weeks all say last modified Sept. 20, 2021, implying that the file hasn't been modified since then, although that is still fine for my needs. I have a copy of one of these recent versions of LastSession.plist from Time Machine on my desktop, and using the advice in the thread
tried to run a script developed by community member 6x6 to generate a Bookmark file from which I could reopen all my old tabs, but running the script fails to produce a functioning bookmark file. I can open the plist file with TextEdit and can see some of the URLs I need to retrieve but its a massive chaotic file and not sure I can get everything I need in a reasonable time.
Just don't get why restoring LastSession.plist is not allowing me to 'Reopen All Windows From Last Session'. Any help on resolving this problem would be appreciated.
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 11.6