Split Keyboard Issues
(1) Apple support advised on 2 chats that Spit Keyboard is still available. Though it seems fine on iPad 7th gens and an iPad Air 2, it doesn't seem to be there on a new iPad Air. Support had me do complete resets to no avail.
I've seen hints around the net that there's no split keyboard on anything with a display larger than 10.2" which the Air has. We're definitely not seeing a Split Keyboard switch in Settings with the Air. Can anyone unequivocally confirm?
(2) Seems to depend on the 'type' of text field your cursor is in, but sometimes the split keyboard obscures whatever is between the 2 sections, sometimes it doesn't (shown in the following screen caps):
I can't think of a reason to have it opaque between the 2 halves so would love to know how to avoid.
(3) At times the keyboard obscures whatever is behind and dragging whatever is behind doesn't make it visible. It keeps bouncing back behind the keyboard. You have to Dock and Merge, then the items bounce up and above the keyboard. Then Split again, but this seems too much.
I'd be very grateful if anyone has advice on these issues.