Safari not opening links
Since ios15 I have not been able to click on links on safari even if I try to use chrome. Since the update my internet has been limited. I’ve restarted my phone numerous times.
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 15
Since ios15 I have not been able to click on links on safari even if I try to use chrome. Since the update my internet has been limited. I’ve restarted my phone numerous times.
iPhone 12 Pro Max, iOS 15
Im having this exact issue. Before iOS 15, it worked fine. After iOS15 update, no links work in any browser. Have tried all suggestions listed above. Its probly a bug that needs to be patched immediately! Fix it apple
Im having this exact issue. Before iOS 15, it worked fine. After iOS15 update, no links work in any browser. Have tried all suggestions listed above. Its probly a bug that needs to be patched immediately! Fix it apple
I know exactly what you’re talking about, because my phone is doing it too!! Have you found a solution? The only think that works for me is closing the tab and roaring it in another link. So frustrating!!
It means exactly what I said. No matter which I one I use rather chrome or safari since the update most hyperlinks have become unclickable. Duh they are separate apps
pages load just fine. I said exactly what I meant. Links on pages no longer work.
After loading the latest software update, 15.2.1 my IPad will no longer open links. I get an error message stating Fatal error..range problem. Based on the above issues, I may not be alone. I had no issues until I did the update. How may I fix this? My IPhone was updated as well, no problem.
as I stated before I have restarted my phone multiple times.
this happens on any Wi-Fi and off Wi-Fi
the answer is no for the rest of the questions. This only began giving me problem since the ios15 update.
your tone is disrespectful. It’s belittling and gives and Attitude. You have been passive aggressive.
I am actually having a similar issue. I can only links on every website I go to in Safari except gmail. When I click on one of my emails and try to click a link within, nothing happens.
I get the usual options when I highlight the text but frustrating.
Interesting I'm dealing with the same thing Cole. Funny, I have an old iPad mini2 running iOS 9.3.5 and my troublesome links work fine. My mgr. has an iPad with iOS 12 and the same troublesome links work without issue.
On my iPad running iOS 15.2 the said links do not work in Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, those links act as if they're inert - tapping does nothing. I don't feel this is a browser specific issue it seems to be something in iOS 15.xx. I too am looking for an update now that I'm reading these issues multiple users are having.
Support - you seem to have multiple users seeing the same issue that's inconsistent at best. ITs not every link but its enough links to become an issue.
I’m experiencing this too - right down to no other browsers working. For me it’s specifically not being able to log into a trading url that shows live depth and price charts. Sometime I can load the page if I flip my phone to landscape but the entire page still doesn’t load. This, by far, has been one of Apple’s WORST “updates” for iPhone that I can remember!
I’m having this exact same problem. I find it’s especially bothersome on shopping websites where you go to filter by style or size and the filter button doesn’t work. Store location button doesn’t work.. going to the initial website is fine but once I’m in it I can’t navigate. It’s the same issue on both Chrome and Safari.
Hey Cole000,
It appears that that you're having a problem with Safari on your iPhone. You’re unable to open links in Safari, and also Google Chrome. You also mention that your internet has been limited, and we're glad to provide assistance.
If Safari displays a blank page or quits on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch - Apple Support -- If this is a specific issue with Safari, see if the steps in this article helps.
If it's more a problem with your internet connection, we've supplied a few resources for both Wi-Fi issues and Cellular data issues:
If you’re still having a problem, please reply to this thread with which model of iPhone you’re using and which iOS it’s currently on (Settings > General > About). Also, please provide more detail about the problem you’re having and include the full text of any error messages you receive.
All the best.
I understood your questions and problem clearly as I have the same problem. I didn't see a fix on here yet but I was able to figure it out!
There we're settings in Safari and experimental settings I had to alter. I compared to my wife's phone(hers worked and loaded everything and the tabs worked). After I updated all the settings to reflect hers I closed every tab and app. I then restarted the phone and BOOM I have normal internet/web browser functions like before.
I hope this helps as it was frustrating as ****!
I don’t have a problem loading pages. Since the new updates my internet won’t click on links. Websites I use to visit have no been limited because when I click on certain link nothing happens it will just give me the option to copy the text but not click the hyperlinks
Cole000 wrote:
I have not been able to click on links on safari even if I try to use chrome.
What you wrote makes no sense. Safari is one app, Chrome is other app.
don’t have a problem loading pages. Since the new updates my internet won’t click on links.
This also makes no sense. What you mean by 'my internet won't click on links'? Especially when you don't have problem loading pages.
You needs to try better explain to us what is the issue that you have.
Cole000 wrote:
No matter which I one I use rather chrome or safari since the update most hyperlinks have become unclickable. Duh they are separate apps
You might want to give a read again to what you wrote cause it did not make a sense at all.
pages load just fine. I said exactly what I meant. Links on pages no longer work.
That is first time when you said something that start to have some sense. Except that you instead of telling us something doesn't work, you can try to explain what exactly happens when you tap on the link. Also, before you click on any link, does the website you are on, is it fully loaded?
Have you tried to restart the device?
Have you tried to see if same thing is happening on another Wi-Fi Network?
Do you use any VPN configuration?
Do you use any security software on your iPhone?
Do you have any Extensions active in Safari app?
Have you made any changes to Safari's Experimental Features on your iPhone?
The fact is happening no matter what browser you use points to a networking issue.
Cole000 wrote:
your tone is disrespectful. It’s belittling and gives and Attitude. You have been passive aggressive.
Me? Let me quote you:
as I stated before
It means exactly what I said.
Don't worry. I won't bother you anymore. Wish you all the best.
Safari not opening links