Mail won't download "Sent" folder
I have a client that used an email account set up as IMAP, but he wanted to have all his messages downloaded to his Macbook to free up some server space (he says he have his own backup), so i tried to set up the same email account as POP, but now the "Sent" folder won't download anything sent before the POP configuration. I've checked the webmail interface and all the previous sent messages are there, but they just won't download to the Mail app.
I also tried to set up the same account as IMAP to manually move the "Sent" messages, but it doesn't allow me to do that, because the account is already set up.
My question is: how can i download previous messages to Mail? And is it possible to have the same account set up as POP and IMAP? (i'm aware of the issues that may cause, so it would be my last resource)