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MacBook Pro wont't boot post update


I have a 2017 MacBook Pro which I attempted to upgrade to macOS Monterey today. Previously it was on Big Sur.

After downloading and clicking "Upgrade Now" I went outside and let it do its thing.

Returned half an hour later- and my computer won't boot. It's stuck in a loop like so:

  1. Turns on
  2. Fans run
  3. Apple logo appears
  4. Progress bar completes
  5. Shuts off
  6. Repeat

I've tried to boot into Recovery mode by holding down Cmd+ R after it turns on.

But it always shuts down after the apple logo.

I'll mention that the update took all day to download and then got stuck and didn't move anywhere for about an hour. So I restarted the computer. Take two was much faster. Not sure if that has anything to do with it.

It's getting late so I'll be heading to sleep soon. I closed the lid but I can still hear the fans turning on and off. Btw, it's not charging. Nothing connected to it.

This is literally a nightmare

All I've done is attempt to install an official software update and it wrecked my computer.

If I can't solve this on my own with the help of the community I'll probably have to pay to get it fixed. And even then I'm not sure what'll happen with all my data and work on it.

Any help appreciated.


MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 11.6

Posted on Oct 26, 2021 5:05 PM

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Posted on Oct 27, 2021 5:17 AM

Alright sorry for my late response.

First off, I just want to say that I appreciate your help. Thank you.

I've spent one hour on the phone with Apple support today. Tried all different boot modes and...no change. Still gets stuck in the same loop every time I turn it off.

I'm taking it to a certified technician tomorrow. I've no doubt I'll have to pay for it since I no longer have warranty.

What's worse perhaps is that I'll probably lose all data on it.

It's ridiculous that an official software update of all things totally ruins a computer like this.

You'd think when you buy a MacBook Pro you invest into a reliable machine...

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Oct 27, 2021 5:17 AM in response to K Shaffer

Alright sorry for my late response.

First off, I just want to say that I appreciate your help. Thank you.

I've spent one hour on the phone with Apple support today. Tried all different boot modes and...no change. Still gets stuck in the same loop every time I turn it off.

I'm taking it to a certified technician tomorrow. I've no doubt I'll have to pay for it since I no longer have warranty.

What's worse perhaps is that I'll probably lose all data on it.

It's ridiculous that an official software update of all things totally ruins a computer like this.

You'd think when you buy a MacBook Pro you invest into a reliable machine...


Oct 26, 2021 5:42 PM in response to tilen146

Too bad the Mac couldn't be convinced to try and boot into Safe mode on one of those startup attempts.

Or if the Mac had been forced to stop everything. Surrender to a new start-up cycle, with force power off;

..then, attempt restart into Safe mode; for further troubleshooting. ~ Maybe it hadn't loaded new macOS?

[Leave it plugged in; least it go into a coma beside this other issue.

Press & hold the power key, 15-20 seconds. Leave the lid open, too.]

I had other more unconventional ideas; reconsidered

all that, and just pressed [Cancel] instead of posting..

Take care & good luck!🌻🤖🐝🌤❄️


Oct 26, 2021 6:18 PM in response to tilen146

There may be a way to start up into Recovery mode and avoid the events which lead to the shut down.

(For Macs that appear to be off, but aren't; there are instructions to make it stop, then try something else.)

• If your Mac doesn't turn on - Apple Support


This relates to ^ an earlier try; with part two.

That, then, suggests visual ability to choose..

from instructions on how to deal with screens

• If your Mac doesn't start up all the way - Apple Support


Maybe your Mac's firmware isn't updated? Not likely, but not unheard of.

In general, an overview; Intel-based macs, same kinda things may appear.

[In M1, 'recovery' is different; like a portal.]

• Ways to start up your Mac - Apple Support


Had you attempted to start up with OPT key held, through the boot cycle;

and until you may see icons of partitions or drives? That'd be a good sign.

One of them may be Recovery for the older or newest macOS; by name.

I've used those before to repair a partition, directly. Without other keys.

And older macOS versions too.

Not sure what to suggest; if faced with dilemma such as you, I'd be sure

to have backups to include last one, previous macOS; in a Time Machine.

Good luck & happy trails!🌻


Oct 29, 2021 2:20 AM in response to tilen146

After taking the MacBook to a certified technician, they were able to recover all the data on the SSD, at a price which depends on the amount of data.

However, there is one fatal problem.

My computer had a nonsensical logic board failure. The technician says he hasn't got a slightest idea why.

The repair would cost roughly $800.

Of course I am not going through with that. You can't Apple trade-in a broken device either. Best thing I can do is sell it for parts.

I've owned this computer for a 3 years and it was always only sitting on a desk.

There was never any physical damage, and it has never overheated (unless it happened during the latest system update while I was absent. The thing was like new.

A computer that cost me $2000 has died for no reason. This is so outrageous words can't explain it. And not Apple nor anyone else will care.

For anyone reading, here are the things I've learned from this:

  • Data from SSD or HDD can almost always be recovered with the right tools, unless there is physical damage (so don't panic)
  • Regardless, always have things backed up on an external drive (Time machine or something else) It may save you a lot of headaches
  • Think twice before investing into an expensive machine, it's no more reliable than an affordable one

Nov 5, 2021 12:04 PM in response to B325iMacbookPro2017

An answer few want to hear or know, the best way forward now is to get

and use newest hardware, that includes a later level of software. ~ As that

gets past the issue where security and other details, match the hardware

design at the software level. This is where an apparent failing occurs now.

The upgrade of now older Macs with newest 'supported' systems, has some

issues; and seemingly will persist until the wave has crested. Not all survivors

know how to swim the torrent or swim to safe harbor; others need new crafts.

Just my opinion; while reading across the web, the stories seem congruent.

Newer security is likely a driving force; & to keep swimming ahead of sharks.

Take care and keep safe!🌞☃️


Nov 5, 2021 6:13 AM in response to tilen146

I'm having the exact same issue after installing Montery on my 2017 Macbook Pro. Will not boot any more, and I tried re-formatting my hard drive and re-installing the OS. I'm going to book an appointment to have the laptop checked out, but I've been working in IT for over 25 years, and I have no idea how the new OS could have completely destroyed this laptop.


Nov 8, 2021 6:34 PM in response to K Shaffer

He has a 4 year old computer which is fairly new, fresh, and recent. I don't see the reason why he should purchase a new MacBook which costs thousands of dollars.

I faced the same issue. My MacBook 2018 was bricked by the macOS Monterey Update. This is a widespread issue with many Intel-based MacBooks like mine and his (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020) as evident by countless threads over the past 2 weeks over this issue.

Apple should offer a viable solution to those affected that includes free repairs and full refunds to those who paid for their repairs. I had to pay Apple $600+ plus and many others too, for them to replace our whole logic boards because they said it was the only option. This is not fair at all. Customers should not be treated as ATM machines. I can barely afford to purchase basic necessities in this economy.


Nov 9, 2021 12:59 AM in response to MontereyVictim


This type of thing happens, every once in awhile; over

decades of my experience w/ Macs + Apple. At times.

Early adopters used to be more ready to wrestle giants

& do 'viking-like' long marches in bad weather for Macs.

Probably once the 'intel-based' Macs are mostly retired

a newer batch of mac-users lives could be much better.

I've noted how since 1985, every so often, things change.

Had wrestled dozens of dragons & giants here too. In 2003

with arrival by surface UPS, my new iMac G4 finally arrived.

Direct from California. The computer was lost; but papers

for Apple Extended Warranty arrived quickly. So my order

had been sent and received, according to Apple. ~ No Mac?!

Two months later, that was straighted out; the iMac arrived.

Yet its 17-inch display's 'chrome arm' was bent. ~ Took three

months to have an Anchorage AASP order parts, & repair it.

And upgraded the RAM too. But the memory was cheaper PC

RAM, and so there were Kernel Panics. ~ And other disruptive

things. I ended up buying second similar 'build year' iBook G4

to have new enough working Mac; to troubleshoot the iMac.

[Apple at the time, did not accept returns; & had no retail AK store.]

This occurred after a 3-year 600+ Mac 'restore & donation' period

& I learned much about Macs by repairing many dozens of them.

A very disappointing experience after learning so much.. Then be

unable to perform needed repairs on my iMac; under AppleCare.

No AASPs in Anchorage; unwilling/unable to repair or set things right.

Seattle was 'nearest next place' with an actual Apple retail presence.

(And Anchorage, only 3 hrs one-way, away.)

While in recent cases, I've read stories online about 'intel-based' Macs

(not all) ~ seem to have some 'poor issues' with Monterey macOS12.x.

Yes, I'd be torqued a little too; but I've had it worse. By choice? Maybe.

From early May 2003, on occasion and by immeasurably slow dialup,

I was able to slowly read Apple Support Discussions.. (& participated

in same-such; as non-official 'AppleLinks' forum) and joined others.

Mostly to see what I could learn about 'the-then' newest Macs.

And these 'communities evolved' from an easier going era, too.

Good luck & happy computing!🌞🌙❄️🌤


Nov 12, 2021 2:56 PM in response to K Shaffer

..K Shaffer

That’s a cool story, but it doesn’t justify what’s happening here.

I have some more things to say. I called up the technician and told them I’ve changed my mind about the repair. I figured $800 won’t buy me a computer better than a 2017 Mbp with max specs (which is what I had). And if I sold what’s left worth anything in the broken machine it wouldn’t make me more than $300.

Things got even more complicated. First they said it’d take 5 days for the replacement logic board to arrive. That turned into 2 weeks. When I called them today they said it wouldn’t arrive before the end of this month. They at least gave me a little temporary replacement MacBook Air. While I wait I’ll try to contact apple support about this again.

At the time when my computer died, it seemed as if I was just unlucky and everyone else updated to Monterey with no problem. But now I’m seeing lots more forum posts and even news articles about Monterey killing Intel based Macs. Some even told about the exact same problem as mine- a dead logic board.

You know what this is? It’s a fraud. Whether intentional or not. It’s like Apple saying “Hey look, download and install this”. And then the user installs it and the computer dies. And they have no other choice but to buy a new one.

A repair can hardly even be called servicing, because the logic board pretty much is the computer. That’s why it costs so much. MacBooks have everything (except the storage drive) soldered onto it and if there’s any kind of a problem, they can just swap out the whole thing.

And don’t say it was 3rd party software that caused this.

Besides, do you expect me to only run Apple developed programs & apps? This wasn’t caused by 3rd party software. It was caused by 1st party software update.

Hopefully if enough people report these problems, Apple might do some kind of compensation.


Nov 12, 2021 2:58 PM in response to tilen146

I am severely depressed from MacOS update, and my friend is having big problems with his Macbook too.

I am asking community members how can I help my friend getting the $600-800 logical board replacement repair thru Support? He doesn't not have much money so he would like an economical solution. He cannot work and do his job with it as it cannot boot up.



Nov 15, 2021 3:32 AM in response to MontereyVictim

Alright. I’ve called Apple support and the technician a few times and here’s what I found out.

Even if your computer is no longer in warranty, you may still be able to get a free repair or compensation.

There is something called consumer rights.

You will need a written confirmation from a certified technician to prove that it was actually the system update that caused your computer to fail. Now admittedly, it is difficult to prove that it failed for only one particular reason. But what your technician can do is write you a confirmation that they’ve found no visible damage on inspection. Or perhaps that there was no harmful software on the drive. That coupled with the fact that the computer died during updating should be enough to prove that the Monterey software update at the very least had something to do with it.

Additional things to consider:

-your computer must actually have no signs of physical damage (obviously)

-you’ll need the original invoice as a proof of purchase

-if it’s a refurbished model, consumer rights don’t apply

-if you bought the computer in a country you currently don’t reside in, it could make things more complicated

Mine was Apple certified refurbished and therefore I won’t get a compensation.

If you want to have a shot at this yourself, get some proof from a certified technician, prepare the invoice, then call Apple support and ask about consumer laws/ rights.

I literally had headaches this past weekend thinking about what I can do and calling phone numbers.

There’s only one final thing I can try…and if that too fails, then I’m done with Apple computers for good. I might just cancel the repair and sell the broken thing after all. Besides, even if it got repaired I’d be afraid to update macOs ever again after this horrible experience.


Nov 17, 2021 3:17 AM in response to tilen146

So with the last bit of hope, I’ve sent a polite email to the CEO, to try to bring this problem to his attention and asked him to consider compensation to the affected users. As you might expect, there was no response.

I’ve read on the forums that he (or somebody on his behalf) actually reads and replies to emails from the users. But it’s been a couple of days since, and at this point, I’ll be very surprised if I get a reply.

Kinda lame. I mean I’ve lost almost a month of my time and took a $800 blow to my bank account. Won’t be able to do any proper work until I get my computer back at the end of the month. And they can’t take 2 minutes to read my mail.

Well, I’ve played my last card. Nothing more I can do. Take care guys 💪🏻


Nov 17, 2021 1:12 PM in response to tilen146


There had been a firmware update involved, to enable a later Monterey 12.x upDate or upGrade.

And that is where to address a service tech; someone who knows how to upgrade firmware.

Haven't kept up on details; have too many 'irons in the fire' so to speak here. You've had it light -

compared to the depths I've gone. ~ And finally Apple support in California called (the now failed

AASP in Anchorage) to tell them "just do what the customer said; he's fully trouble-shot this and

the answer appears that he's correct in this."

I was able to fully troubleshoot and isolate the cause; and repeatedly made it kernel panic, etc;

in Seven Steps from boot. Until it froze; then restart to start over again. And it was combination

of what an AASP did while in "their care" ~ and a hardware failure, the unit shipped with.

At least a few times I had to attempt Apple they weren't here; Unavailable. Only reason I had new

Hardware and AppleCare. The AASP and 8 months of 200+ miles driving; to see what ONE of four

could do... So now, Most of my gear now is decidedly older with newest, fast becoming vintage.

My answer could be to buy all new stuff; with Fixes built-in!

(What's money.?


.When I've none.)


MacBook Pro wont't boot post update

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