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I accidentally took it off my icons. How do I put it back on my home page?
iPhone 6s, iOS 13
I accidentally took it off my icons. How do I put it back on my home page?
iPhone 6s, iOS 13
If you are running newer iOS than your post shows, then you may have 'removed' the apps and they reside in the App Library..
You'd just need to move them back out
From your Home Screen, swipe left until you get to the App Library.
Swipe downward and you'll get an alphabetical list of your apps.
Locate the app in the list or type the app name into the search field
Once you've located the app, tap/hold until it raises/selects, then drag it and it'll pop out to your Home Screen
Organize the Home Screen and App Library on your iPhone - Apple Support
If you deleted the apps, then you'd need to download them again
Redownload apps and games from Apple - Apple Support
Or you could start with a fresh slate and reset your Home Screen by going to
Settings > General > Transfer/Reset iPhone > Reset > Reset Home Screen Layout
If you are running newer iOS than your post shows, then you may have 'removed' the apps and they reside in the App Library..
You'd just need to move them back out
From your Home Screen, swipe left until you get to the App Library.
Swipe downward and you'll get an alphabetical list of your apps.
Locate the app in the list or type the app name into the search field
Once you've located the app, tap/hold until it raises/selects, then drag it and it'll pop out to your Home Screen
Organize the Home Screen and App Library on your iPhone - Apple Support
If you deleted the apps, then you'd need to download them again
Redownload apps and games from Apple - Apple Support
Or you could start with a fresh slate and reset your Home Screen by going to
Settings > General > Transfer/Reset iPhone > Reset > Reset Home Screen Layout
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