will iphone 11 work after 3g is shut down?
I purchased my iPhone 11 in mid August. I got a letter from my carrier that it won't work in a few months when 3g gets shut down.
Is this true?
I purchased my iPhone 11 in mid August. I got a letter from my carrier that it won't work in a few months when 3g gets shut down.
Is this true?
Can you tell me a bit more? I know 3g is going. But I am not sure how LTE fits in. I got a letter from my cellular company that I purchased it from in September. I think they are blowing smoke up my ...... I have an issue about scaring customers into paying for a new phone in three months.
Can you tell me a bit more? I know 3g is going. But I am not sure how LTE fits in. I got a letter from my cellular company that I purchased it from in September. I think they are blowing smoke up my ...... I have an issue about scaring customers into paying for a new phone in three months.
No. It will work just fine. It is an LTE capable device.
will iphone 11 work after 3g is shut down?