itunes requires older version of iOs
Trying to download iTunes on my new work computer but I am not allowed to as it requires an older version of iOS. Any idea when they plan to update iTunes?
Many thanks for your help with this
Trying to download iTunes on my new work computer but I am not allowed to as it requires an older version of iOS. Any idea when they plan to update iTunes?
Many thanks for your help with this
As noted earlier see What happened to iTunes? - Apple Support. iTunes has been replaced by Music, Finder, TV, Books, and Podcasts. Nearly all of the same functions and features are there, but dressed up differently.
As noted earlier see What happened to iTunes? - Apple Support. iTunes has been replaced by Music, Finder, TV, Books, and Podcasts. Nearly all of the same functions and features are there, but dressed up differently.
Looks like you are running Big Sur or Monterey. iTunes no longer exists for those operating systems.
What do you need iTunes for exactly?
All iTunes features are now available in one of the 3 apps it was split into as explained in the link provided by Limnos above.. Those Apps are the TV App, Music App and the Finder.
See here: link-> Use the Finder to sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod with your computer - Apple Support
I had downloaded some older music files as well as recorded interviews from my old computer I wanted to re-upload to iTunes. I Gather this is not possible?
What would you suggest I download?
Thank you for your help with this matter!
iOS or mac OS? What year and model computer? What operating system kind and version number on it? iTunes was replaced with Music several years ago.
Mac os thank you for your quick response!
Import them into the Music App. That is the new home of all music and audio files from iTunes.
Mark 4:5 "And some fell on stony ground"
itunes requires older version of iOs