Which OS was on the mac before you tried to install macOS Sierra.
If the mac had been running High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur or Monterey then the Disk would have been formatted
as APFS. macOS Sierra can only run on Disks formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
Were you trying to do an Erase and Reinstall from your Recovery HD and the Apple Recovery Servers.
Not a good idea.
Let's try this.
Restart your mac to your Recovery HD, select Disk Utility and press Continue.
Click View in the menubar and select Show All Devices.
Highlight the Disk in the left hand panel, the Disk will be called Apple SSD.... or something similar.
(Do not highlight any of the indented Volumes)
Click Erase,
Give the Disk a name.
Format: Mac OS Extended.
Scheme: GUID Partition Map.
Click Erase.
When Done quit Disk Utility.
If you want to try and reinstall macOS Sierra from Apples Recovery Servers read below.
The certificates for several of Apples OS's expired in October 2019, Apple haven’t bothered getting these updated on
their Recovery Servers with valid certificates.
This often results in the error 'no packages were available for download'.
Try this workaround, we are going to set the time and date on your mac to a date previous to the expiry date of the certificates.
Connect your mac to your router via cable, not WiFi
Boot to your Recovery HD, click on Utilities in the menubar select Terminal.
Make sure WiFi is switched off, it can reset the date back to today.
Enter a new date, for example or just copy and paste
sudo date -u 011421002017
press Return
enter your password
press Return
If Terminal returns an error saying sudo : command not found, then try again without sudo.
just enter
date -u 011421002017
press Return
You won't be prompted for a Password if you did not need to use sudo
Once the date has changed you can quit Terminal.
Now try downloading the OS.
Click on Install OS X, press Continue.
If this works then when the OS is installed and booted up you can Open System Preferences> Date & Time
and reset the time back to today.
If the above does not work then you will need to borrow a mac that is capable of running macOS Sierra and
create a bootable USB installer on hat mac.
Open Safari and click on this link,
How to get old versions of macOS - Apple Support
Go to Use Safari to download macOS to your mac.
Click on macOS Sierra.
This will download InstallOS.dmg to the Downloads folder.
Double-click InstallOS.dmg to get the InstallOS.pkg
Double-click on InstallOS.pkg and an installation window will open.
This does not install Sierra but will create Install macOS Sierra.app in your Applications folder.
If you are asked to select a destination disk for this make sure you select your macs internal drive.
There is a problem with making a bootable USB installer with the Install macOS Sierra.app
where it returns an error Volumes/<USBname> is not a valid mount point. There is a workaround.
With Install macOS Sierra.app in your Applications folder open Terminal.
Paste in this command
sudo plutil -replace CFBundleShortVersionString -string "12.6.03" /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Sierra.app/Contents/Info.plist
press return
enter your password
press return
now paste in the createinstallmedia command for Sierra where MyVolume can be replaced with the name of your USB stick
If your USB name has more than one word separated by spaces you would need to type it in as
/The\ USB\ Name
sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia
press return
follow the prompts
The process takes around 30 minutes to complete, be patient, Terminal will look like it is not
doing anything but it is.
When it has completed you can eject the USB, and insert it directly to your mac.
Restart the mac while pressing the option/ alt key.
In a minute or two you will see the Startup Manager select the USB and press Return.
After the mac has booted to the USB you will see a Utilities screen.
If you had reformatted the mac to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) as described earlier you can just
click on Install OS and press Continue. The installation process should begin, follow the prompts.
If you had not reformatted the Disk earlier then you would select Disk Utility and reformat as described
earlier, please note that on older OS's (macOS Sierra and older) there is no View option on the menubar
and therefore no Show All Devices option for these older versions of Disk Utility.
Highlight the Disk and press Erase then name and format as before.
Quit Disk Utility.
Select Install OS, press Continue.
Keep the USB in a safe place, do not rely on Apples Recovery Servers.