photos on macbook not updating
All of a sudden my photos on MacBook aren't updating. It's been a week. Lots of pics taken on my phone, but not showing up in Photos.
All of a sudden my photos on MacBook aren't updating. It's been a week. Lots of pics taken on my phone, but not showing up in Photos.
Double check photos preferences
1 - Library is system library (circled button should be greyed out - if not, click it.
2 - iCloud settings are as shown.
3 - Has somthing triggered a full new sync (Eg a macos update) - if so, this could time some time for a large libray and may stop new photos syncing until it is complete - check sync status at the bottom of the all photos view...
Double check photos preferences
1 - Library is system library (circled button should be greyed out - if not, click it.
2 - iCloud settings are as shown.
3 - Has somthing triggered a full new sync (Eg a macos update) - if so, this could time some time for a large libray and may stop new photos syncing until it is complete - check sync status at the bottom of the all photos view...
photos on macbook not updating