How do I enable AirPlay on my MacBookPro?
I am using a MacBookPro mid-2012 running Mojave 10.14.6.
I am try to use AirPlay with my Vizio M-series TV.
My iTunes version is
The AirPlay icon no longer appears at the top of the screen at startup. It used to.
I can get it temporarily by going to /System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras and opening, but it disappears within one minute and does not list my TV when I click on the icon.
When I go to Displays in system preferences, I am unable to turn AirPlay on; the only option offered is "off".
I would also like to use AirPLay with my iPhone 8 running OS 14.8.
Thanks for your help.
MacBook Pro 15″, macOS 10.14