Getting Apple arcade spam for something called Lego Star Wars; how do I delete Apple Arcade and stop them spamming me
Apple just spammed my Apple ID via email, and woke me up via a simultaneous spam notification on my iPad, with an advertisement for something very scammy called Lego Star Wars and Apple Arcade.
I didn't sign up for any such service. I don't want Apple spamming me with this kind of thing.
I'm marking the email as spam, and will do a hard shut-out of all notifications from App Store (which they harshly misused for the wake-up notification spam advertisement). This means any legit email notifications (are there ever any) from the App Store will also be missed. Spammers can't be choosers; they've burned that channel permanently.
But how do I tell Apple to not expand their spamming for other worthless marketoony scam things? How do I tell them DO NOT SPAM ME with any email or on-device notification marketoony scam things?
They don't appear to have an unsub function, nor is there any apparent option for email settings anywhere. While writing scripts to forward their spam back to their abuse desk when they try again will be easily done, it'd be better if they could be stopped before it comes to that.