Upgrade to Logic Pro 10.7 --> problem with stack tracks and session view Launchpad Pro MK3
Hi community.
It's my first time I am contacting you.
I bought a Noviation Launchpad Pro MK3 this year and it was working properly - plug and play.
Since the upgrade to Logic to 10.7, I face a problem with the session view.
I am using track stacks in Logic. The session view of the launchpad was adjusting when I opened/closed the stack tracks - so that I could only see the important live loop cells & quickly play them - but now isn't anymore. It always shows all tracks even the hidden once - which weren't shown either.
The Noviation support said it's a Logic problem.
Could you help please? I can't play my livesets like this anymore which nearly makes me cry atm.
Thank you very much.