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Terrible performance on M1 Pro 16 inch Macbook Pro


Am the only one getting random CPU spikes, random midi notes hanging, random crackles turning into feedback, and random crashes on the latest Logic Pro with M1 in native mode ?

I only use native M1 plugins, yet it all feels really buggy, something i've never experienced before on any machine.


MacBook Pro 16″, macOS 12.0

Posted on Dec 6, 2021 7:17 AM

454 replies
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May 24, 2022 4:00 PM in response to Bontempi

I also experience horrible performance.

Everything you mentioned plus other issues:

  • Massive waiting time when unplugging or plugging headphones *Logic has to reload Core Audio.
  • 3rd party Plugins open when I move them or duplicate them within mixer. *Very laggy, very annoying.
  • Ramdon crashes.
  • Slow overall performance.

Sadly, I have to open Logic with Rosetta II, and although more stable, it is not faster than my old 2014MBP 16GB. Very sad.

I only use original - native Silicon 3rd party plugins.

My gear is Macbook Pro 14-inch. M1Pro. 32GB.


Dec 7, 2021 10:08 AM in response to stephenhgregory

Hope everyone realizes Apple Devs usually don't hang around in these user forums.


Gook luck folks, this is yet another major transition by Apple as MacOS and iOS merge under the same development software. So, a new ARM based processor and old software trying to adapt to a new, vastly different OS.

Another "feature" of the M1 is integration.



Dec 13, 2021 11:46 PM in response to MattMacPro

While Rosetta works, be aware that you're wasting +50% of performance in this mode. The faster everyone switches to M1 native, the better. There's also enough native plugins right now to make great music.

One thing that really bugs me though in native mode : plugins aren't really native

I've noticed something in activity monitor : as SOON as you launch a M1 arm native third party plugin, a process appears, named AUHostingService (Logic Pro). This process is the one using the CPU for the third party plugin, not Logic Pro. It actually uses more CPU than Logic in my last session.

If you run Logic Pro in rosetta mode, the AUHostingService process never shows up, no matter which plugin you run.

While i can understand this process would show up for plugins that are NOT native, why does it handle CPU performance for native ones ?? Can't logic handle this by itself ? Can someone explain ? 

Overall, it all doesn't feel like a premium experience so far on M1....


Dec 6, 2021 8:31 AM in response to Bontempi

Experiencing bad performance as well on the latest Monterey and Logic Pro X. CPU spikes, midi notes hanging even when the midi controller is disconnected (no sustain triggers or automation)

I have a 16 inch M1 Max with 64gb ram and 4TB SSD. Happens even with stock instruments (I even had Sampler crash once out of the blue).

Hope the logic devs can look into this!


Feb 12, 2022 7:07 AM in response to Bontempi

Hi so as I mentioned, I'm one of the developers on Surge, and the user who posted here about surge shared their logic file with me. https://github.com/surge-synthesizer/surge/issues/5876

Upon opening the logic project I saw what all of you did, namely just garbage performance. In the case of that project, just completely unplayable. But that performance gap isn't in surge it's somewhere in logic land, I think, especially since I was able to take a set of steps to resolve it. I am curious if these steps help anyone else. (That project has 15 instances of surge some of them using our most CPU intensive features. Once resolved it uses roughly 40% of 4 of my performance cores to play in realtime to the speakers with a buffer size of 64; before resolved it wouldn't even start).

What I did was as follows (I'm on M1Max MBP pretty close to full spec).

  1. Quit logic
  2. Open terminal and type `sudo killall -9 AudioComponentRegistrar`. This will kill and restart the registrar.
  3. Restart logic
  4. Audio/Preferences - pin to 8 threads on 8 performance cores
  5. Logic/Plugin Manager - rescan Surge XT

After those steps it played fine. I then upgraded to os 12.2 and it kept working.

(The reason I tried this is because I did an x86 only build first and that didn't help).

I'm not sure why this fixed the problem (I have a completely half baked theory) but I am curious if these steps help anyone else. If so it may help validate or reject my half baked theory.

If after doing this you have logic projects which use surge and still perform like garbage on lpx10.7/m1max then i would love to know over on that GitHub issue (or here too but I'm not that active on these forums).


Feb 18, 2022 9:30 AM in response to Motu828

Glad to hear you’re having better results with 10.5.1. Currently, I downgraded to 10.6.1 and it’s working perfectly!!! I have a couple plugins that aren’t recognized by the downgrade, but it’s a couple I can live without :)

  1. I heard there’s a way to empty cache/plist and rescan to see if Logic will recognize those plugins it’s saying it can’t find, but I’m hesitant to do that and mess something up.
  2. its UNBELIEVABLE how absent Apple is with fixing Logic Pro x issues. This isn’t even just in regards to the M1 models, but 10.7 overall. Since they went to 10.7, latency amongst midi and audio has increased in tracking times. I used to be able to do anything I wanted without tracking in low-latency mode (which sucks because it changes the sounds/disables plugins/changes volume levels of mix). so clearly when they updated from 10.6.1 to 10.6.2-3 to 10.7…..they messed something up in how Logic Pro functions and processes plugins. It’s such a shame because I always promote Logic and push it to anyone I know, but I’m embarrassed to do that now!!!

Mar 11, 2022 12:58 AM in response to Bontempi

Hey guys,

Also reporting massive issues and disappointments with a brand new MBP M1 Max machine. Logic's performances aren't what they should be (keep in mind I run it with rosetta).

  • I get weird crashes on very light sessions
  • I get bugs when recording (not 16 tracks at a time like it often happens at my studio but 1 or 2!!), it loses sync and I need to stop and start again.
  • Even the mouse has bugs and refuses to click sometimes!!

Currently working with a patient singer/song writer, but I just can't imagine tracking a live band like I used to do without a glitch on the old 2009 Mac Pro.

I'll have to run back to the old machine if no fix is found to these problems. Totally frustrating when you spent so much $ on a machine supposed to give you a huge step up...

Good luck!


Mar 14, 2022 5:38 AM in response to paulcristo123

So just to re-iterate I am running Mac OS Monterey 12.2.1 on a 14 inch Apple M1 Max with 10-core CPU, 32-core GPU, 16-core Neural Engine, 64 Gigs. It is the highest spec machine you can get except for the hard drive.

I am NOT using Rosetta. I have tested 7 different project running off a slowish external USB drive (I will try direct from the laptop and report on that later). All projects are using an array of logic plugins, Native Instruments, Izotope and Accusonus and so far I am having no issues at all, none. I have not tested it with an audio interface yet.

This is my second Mac of this sort and the first one was riddled with all the above in this thread.

The system has been set up in exactly the same way that my first MBP was set up, exactly the same software. The only physical difference was the previous one had 32gigs of ram and it was one rank down on the cores. Also some of the software may have been updated in the two months I had to wait for this .

My next test will be using Traktor which also had issues.

If the lack of issues proceed, (praying to all the Gods that will listen!) I can offer three possible theories.

  1. The software updates have made a difference.
  2. Some tweaks have been made to the hardware manufacturing that we don't know about since my new machine. I can only imagine that if Apple did make subtle fixes in the production line it wouldn't make any noise about it because they don't want everyone sending back their original machines. This is obviously just a theory and may have no basis in reality.
  3. The updates mean that it doesn't need Rosetta anymore and it is causing more harm than good?

My suggestion to those who have a machine riddled with issues, is update everything to the max. Test with and without Rosetta. using no external hardware. If this doesn't work and your machine is still in warranty, take it back, even if it is out of warranty, if it's consistently not working demand a new one!

I will keep you updated on my tests with Traktor, Premier and running things off the internal SSD.


Mar 14, 2022 12:50 PM in response to VincejjD

Has anyone here updated to the latest version of Monterey? and if so..

  1. Any issues?
  2. Are you running Logic Pro with Rosetta or Native?
  3. Are you using an older version of Logic Pro X?

I ask because I am currently using Logic 10.6.1 with very minimal issues, however, the main issues with my computer seem to be coming from the OS itself. All apps are a little glitchy, and I am getting many random restarts.

Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Apr 1, 2022 4:07 PM in response to Chagzuki

OK - been doing some more testing.

Latest Monterey 12.3.1 update - Logic Pro 10.7.3 on MacBook Pro 16" M1 Max 32GB

My projects are not opening natively - they will open if I switch Logic to Rosetta mode.

I ran the laborious task of finding out which plugin was stopping the project from opening up under a native version of Logic

  1. Open the project within Logic running in Rosetta mode
  2. Remove a particular manufactures plugins from the whole project and save the project as a new name
  3. Flip Logic back to native mode and open the project.
  4. Repeat until the project opens under a native version of Logic

I did this process over and over until I narrowed it down to the particular manufactures plugins that were giving me grief. There would have to be 30-40 plugs I use - so this took some time.

For me - it was iZotopes Ozone 9 plugins. I removed all their plugins from channel strips and master buss and it works.

A native running version of Logic Pro plays through the whole song without any issues - minus their plugins.

Looking at their web site - they have missed their deadline of a Rosetta version of Ozone 9 by Q1 2022. Hopefully this is not too far off.

The project has plugins from Waves, Native Instruments, Toontrack - they all seem to work. The project is completely dead in the water with iZotope plugins loaded.

Maybe the process listed above might help someone else track down the reason why their old Logic projects are failing.


Apr 11, 2022 12:41 AM in response to Fastvoice

After the latest Monterey and Logic updates and the fact Logic was still unusable for recording using my usual blend of 3rd party plugins I decided to try Logic in native mode using only Logic's plugins:

  • The recording of 2 channels at once was stable, not a single crash during a take. (I have yet to try 16 channels at once)
  • However, Logic would still show strange bugs every 3-4 takes:
  • The zoom function ⌘ + -> wouldn't be working anymore
  • The audio just recorded wouldn't play back, I'd have to cmd+S (save) the project to have it play.

I'll continue testing...


Jun 29, 2022 2:32 AM in response to Bontempi

Hi guys!

I have same problems with my Macbook Pro 14 M1 16GB. Terrible performance in Logic in almost every way. In Logic's Performance Meter I get a whopping 50% of CPU usage even when playback is off and nothing is happening. I get 5/8 cores clipping when I play back a section with 10 active tracks. I get crackling and speed bend when midi track is selected etc..

I found out that "AUHostingService (Logic Pro)" is the main character. Yesterday, with a 30 track session, I got these numbers in Apple Activity Monitor (TOP 2):

  1. AUHostingService (Logic Pro): 192% CPU
  2. Logic Pro: 15%

AUHostingService — ridiculous 192% of CPU usage :D What's up?

I use ALL M1/MONTEREY NATIVE plugins from Waves etc and I run LPX in native mode. Little bit frustrating. 2350€ machine and what I got — a huge downgrade.

I hope this gets fixed. I make my income with these projects.

– Kasper


Dec 7, 2021 7:10 AM in response to Bontempi

Found something. When i put a native M1 plugin in logic, a lot of them start with a small window that expands to a big regular one. This feels quite bizarre, like there's some conversion going on behind the scene, even though the plugin is native.

Now i've noticed something in activity monitor : as SOON as you launch a M1 arm native third party plugin, a process appears, named AUHostingService (Logic Pro). This process is the one using the CPU for the third party plugin, not Logic Pro. It actually uses more CPU than Logic in my last session.

If you run Logic Pro in rosetta mode, the AUHostingService process never shows up, no matter which plugin you run.

While i can understand this process would show up for plugins that are NOT native, why does it handle CPU performance for native ones ?? Can't logic handle this by itself ? Can someone explain ?

As a few other people here, i've been having issues with my M1 macbook pro in logic, and i'm wondering if the Logic we've been using is just a bad beta version... This feels really amateurish, and maybe it's why we experience poor performance...


Terrible performance on M1 Pro 16 inch Macbook Pro

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