Can I add my kids vaccination cards to Apple wallet?
Can I add my three young children vaccination cards to Apple wallet?
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 15
Can I add my three young children vaccination cards to Apple wallet?
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 15
Click on this link to read about how to 'Store your verifiable COVID-19 immunizations and test results on your iPhone or iPod touch' -->
- "You can download verifiable vaccination and test result records if your vaccine or test result provider supports this format. Check with your provider to see if they support verifiable health records."
Click on this link to read about how to 'Store your verifiable COVID-19 immunizations and test results on your iPhone or iPod touch' -->
- "You can download verifiable vaccination and test result records if your vaccine or test result provider supports this format. Check with your provider to see if they support verifiable health records."
Contact Apple. Click here --> Select your country, then a product. If you don't see one that handles your issue then keep experimenting with selections until you reach one that gets you a chat session or a telephone call and get the representative to redirect you.
Contact Apple for support and service --> "See a list of Apple phone numbers around the world."
Click here -->
i downloaded mine & my 2 kids into AppleWallet and it says it worked but it only shows mine and one of my kids. Not sure why the one doesn’t show.
Same issue here: two kids vaccinated on same days, Phone says it added the vaccine record yet only one kid's card shows. My third kid, vaccinated on different days, DOES show up.
Can I add my kids vaccination cards to Apple wallet?