A WiFi printer connects to the signal that is provided by your WiFi router, just like your Mac, iPhone, iPad, etc connect to the WiFi signal provided by your WiFi router.
So the first order of business would be to get your Epson printer connecting to your WiFi network......not to the MacBook Pro.
When the printer connects to the WiFi network, then other devices on the same WiFi network......like the MacBook Pro......will be able to communicate to the printer over the same WiFi network.
Since you have an Epson printer, your best bet would be to contact Epson Support for assistance with the set up of the printer. The link for Epson Support is just below:
Printer Support - Epsonhttps://epson.com › Support › Printers
If you want to wait, it is possible.....but frankly unlikely......that another Epson user on this support forum for Apple routers might see your post and be able to provide some assistance.
If you have a specific question about one of the Apple routers.......the AirPort Express, AirPort Extreme and AirPort Time Capsule pictured below that we support in this user forum, we may be able to help.