Account balance
I used to be able to see my account balance by scrolling down to the bottom of the pane in the iTunes Store. I can’t any more. Why? I put money in by purchasing cards and I can no longer tell when I need to purchase a new one
I used to be able to see my account balance by scrolling down to the bottom of the pane in the iTunes Store. I can’t any more. Why? I put money in by purchasing cards and I can no longer tell when I need to purchase a new one
Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
You can view your Apple ID balance in a couple of different places
There are more ways to check. Follow resource for full details
Check your Apple ID balance
Hope this helps
Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
You can view your Apple ID balance in a couple of different places
There are more ways to check. Follow resource for full details
Check your Apple ID balance
Hope this helps
Are you referring to this on a computer? From another topic about this recently I believe you now need to use the App Store app to see that on a computer.
Click on this link to 'Check your Apple ID balance' -->
Account balance