Next line / return with an Apple Pencil?
Is there a way to select next line / return with an Apple Pencil?
iPad mini, iOS 9
Is there a way to select next line / return with an Apple Pencil?
iPad mini, iOS 9
I understand that, however I'm not aware of a way to make a system function with the Pencil. Especially when you are restricted by the entry of the Signature line at that point. Searching the iPad User Guide, I cannot find anything about creating a carriage return with the Pencil. iPad User Guide - Apple Support
I understand that, however I'm not aware of a way to make a system function with the Pencil. Especially when you are restricted by the entry of the Signature line at that point. Searching the iPad User Guide, I cannot find anything about creating a carriage return with the Pencil. iPad User Guide - Apple Support
In what way? Are you writing in an app? When I use my Apple Pencil in a note taking app, I just move to the next line and the iPad seems to pick up that it is a new line if I use OCR to change the handwriting to text.
I was writing an email, but when I ran out of lines before my signature I couldn't get it to add more lines. So, yes, the next line sometimes works, it didn't there (or here… next line just kept writing on the line above)
…but a keyboard return did work. I just don't want to go back & forth.
Agreed, I couldn’t find such a thing either. It seems like such a significant oversight from Apple. A pencil carriage return was on my first PalmPilot… seems like minimum viable functionality for digital writing.
I would suggest providing feedback to Apple to let them know. That is the only way they are made aware of features that users need/desire. Go to Product Feedback - Apple
Next line / return with an Apple Pencil?