iPhone 13ProMax camera takes blurry pictures
Why is my New IPhone 13 Pro Max taking such blurry weird pictures?
iPhone 13 Pro Max
Why is my New IPhone 13 Pro Max taking such blurry weird pictures?
iPhone 13 Pro Max
Your iPhone 13 Pro Max should not take blurry pictures. We won’t know what the pictures look like but you do. It is not normal. Take advantage of Apple’s 1YR Limited Warranty and have the iPhone examined at the Apple Store or at an Authorized Service Center for further diagnosis and a resolution.
Axel F.
Your iPhone 13 Pro Max should not take blurry pictures. We won’t know what the pictures look like but you do. It is not normal. Take advantage of Apple’s 1YR Limited Warranty and have the iPhone examined at the Apple Store or at an Authorized Service Center for further diagnosis and a resolution.
Axel F.
iPhone 13ProMax camera takes blurry pictures