I haven't used the cable that came with the phone since Apple apparently felt it was not necessary to include the adapter for the new cable, a strange decision in my eyes. I have been using a cable and adapter from my last phone. By way of update, beginning 12/28, when I would restart my phone, the shading would be gone when the very first screen came up with my wallpaper. However, when that initial screen closed after maybe 5 seconds and I pushed the lock button to open it again, the shading was there. At that point, in case it was going to continue downhill, I asked Verizon to send me another phone, which is arriving today, and this one is going back for someone else to try to figure out. My one fear is that it is something software related that will survive the backup but I'll update if that proves to be the case. I sure hope not!
Here is a picture of the shading I am referring to. It starts right under Nicholas_B2 and covers that rest of the screen going down. Sorry about the large image. I had to take a picture of my phone to show it because, in another strange twist, I discovered that a screenshot on the phone didn't show the shading when viewed on another device. That's why I said it is like putting a piece of cellophane over the screen. A screenshot will scroll under the shading and appear normal when it moves out from under the shaded area and have no shading if emailed or texted to another device.