Disabled account
Hi , I need tô get my iTunes account able and working , it’s been disabled
Hi , I need tô get my iTunes account able and working , it’s been disabled
Welcome to Apple Support Community!
You are receiving this error, it’s usually because either
>You have disputed a charge with your bank that came from Apple (your account) and in turn it disables your account.
>Someone reported unauthorized charges to Apple that were found on your account.
You will need to contact Apple to see if they can enable the account.
***Please remember that anytime you see a charge from Apple that you do not recognize, to contact them first before the bank. Making disputes with the bank can lead up to your account being permanently disabled***
Please review the resource below when you see a charge on your bank statement that you don't recognize.
If a message says 'Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208856
Check your Purchase history > https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204088
If you See Apple.com/bill on your bank statement > https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201382
***You will not be able to update payment information until the account is enabled***
You need to call 1-800-My-APPLE to resolve your issue. https://www.apple.com/contact/
Hope this helps ;)
Welcome to Apple Support Community!
You are receiving this error, it’s usually because either
>You have disputed a charge with your bank that came from Apple (your account) and in turn it disables your account.
>Someone reported unauthorized charges to Apple that were found on your account.
You will need to contact Apple to see if they can enable the account.
***Please remember that anytime you see a charge from Apple that you do not recognize, to contact them first before the bank. Making disputes with the bank can lead up to your account being permanently disabled***
Please review the resource below when you see a charge on your bank statement that you don't recognize.
If a message says 'Your account has been disabled in the App Store and iTunes: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT208856
Check your Purchase history > https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204088
If you See Apple.com/bill on your bank statement > https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201382
***You will not be able to update payment information until the account is enabled***
You need to call 1-800-My-APPLE to resolve your issue. https://www.apple.com/contact/
Hope this helps ;)
Disabled account