I wish to delete DCIM subfolders
I am unable to delete DCIM subfolders on my Iphone, i have transferred the photos and want to tidy up.
These folders appear to create randomly, I would rather create them myself as over time it will become totally unmanageable.
This is what it looks like at the moment and will become a complete mess by next year. I am aware that it saves no storage space, some numpty on another forum asked "why do you need to delete them". Because I want to and as previously stated, over time it will just grow and become a mess.
Why do developers think they know best?.
Why am I unable to email Apple direct
The online help is as much use as a chocolate teapot
As an Apple customer I should expect Apple to take responsibility for their devices and not slope shoulder to a forum or off shore help desk.
I someone from Apple will take this issue on board