my phone Wallet showing me this
Yes I’m in USA when I click the apply then show me this message
And you clicked here as the directions I provided instructed you to do?
I’m click the get me this message
Please help me
Did you click on Get?
Did you click on the blue letters in the post from sberman? Are you in the US?
Good. And what has that got to do with applying for an Apple Card?
Carefully read and understand the article I linked above. Note especially the “See if you’re eligible” bullets near the bottom.
He gives me this message when I click on Apply
What is the message?
And have you downloaded and installed the Wallet app? And are you in the US?
In that case click on the Get Support link at the top right of this page to contact Apple Support and see if they can help you.
Go to Settings > General > About > Model and does the model number end with LL/A?
How I can apply fo Apple Card