HomePod Disconnecting
I have two HomePod minis connected to my 2019 MBP. All was a working perfectly until a few days ago. The HomePods started to disconnect randomly. Normally our home office internet and wifi is very reliable as we get 250-350mbs download. Then I started to wonder whether it was a router problem. I have a Aimesh system of four Asus RT86 routers connecting wired\wirelessly to an ASUS ZenWifi AC.
On doing some research I discovered that it could be the dual band on the on the Zen. Turned this off and made the network a 2.4ghz one. All the problems were solved. Speeds back up to normal, the four connected RT86s are all configured properly in the Aimesh network doing what they ought to, including the one in a barn at the end of string of three, and the HomePod minis are working perfectly. It appears that they could have a problem with dual band and refuse to change frequency when the network tells it to.
Posting this for people who are having problems with HomePod connectivities.
Hope it's useful.