Mac Numbers Chart
I want to show a histogram chart but the x axis has time points that are not linear. Please can anyone help me set up a chart so i can change the time points on the x axis
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 12.1
I want to show a histogram chart but the x axis has time points that are not linear. Please can anyone help me set up a chart so i can change the time points on the x axis
MacBook Pro 13″, macOS 12.1
"Histogram" charts are not supported in Numbers. The Bar charts that are supported are "category' charts, which plot a series of values comparing different categories. Bar charts have a value axis and a category axis. The height (or length) of the bars is proportional to the value for that category. The width of the bars is fixed, as is the spacing of the bars along the category axis.
Histrogram seems a useul addition to the types of charts supported. Use the Provide Numbers Feedbck menu item in the Numbers menu to request this feature be added to Numbers.
Meanwhile, you could make a DIY version using the XY scatter chart as the base and adding rectangle shapes to place the bars.
Ypu might also consider not displaying the x axis markers and replacing them with one of more text boxes containing the dates at beginning and end of each ranger (boundary between two columns), and ligning those up to match the chart.
"Histogram" charts are not supported in Numbers. The Bar charts that are supported are "category' charts, which plot a series of values comparing different categories. Bar charts have a value axis and a category axis. The height (or length) of the bars is proportional to the value for that category. The width of the bars is fixed, as is the spacing of the bars along the category axis.
Histrogram seems a useul addition to the types of charts supported. Use the Provide Numbers Feedbck menu item in the Numbers menu to request this feature be added to Numbers.
Meanwhile, you could make a DIY version using the XY scatter chart as the base and adding rectangle shapes to place the bars.
Ypu might also consider not displaying the x axis markers and replacing them with one of more text boxes containing the dates at beginning and end of each ranger (boundary between two columns), and ligning those up to match the chart.
Mac Numbers Chart