bronwyn13 Said:
"Brand new AirPod pros not working: Hi guys, I got a new set of airpods pro and when using them for the second time the left ear wouldnt connect and the charging case wont stay charged for more than a day. Has anyone had something similar and what is the replacement proceess?"
I. Air Pods Replacement Process:
Use this Link: AirPods Replacement, Service, and Repair - Apple Support
II. Troubleshooting AirPods Charge:
A. A Few Links to Visit:
B. Try the Following Tasks:
- Hold Down the Button on the case for about 15 seconds.
- Use an Apple Brand Cable - not a third party one - cool though it may look, a fabric, third-part cable would likely tear - (Apple cable's are plastic and are intended for Apple)
- Remove the AirPod from the Case, then place it back in the charger. Perhaps it need to resync with he charger.