iPad mini 6 fingerprint reader burned my finger
Has anyone had this issue of the finger print reader on the new mini getting so hot it actually burns you. I’ve reached out to Apple and all the techs that sent a case up to the engineers and thus far I feel like they think am crazy. Anyhow the fingerprint reader was so hot that it literally freaked me out my threw the iPad down out of fear of being shocked or burnt. I videotaped me using an infrared thermometer showing but that thing was burning hot and now the fingerprint reader is just burnt out and it doesn’t register anything that iPad is functioning but Apple support thanks I’m crazy or something. They say it’s my fault so I should just pay the $50 AppleCare plus deductible and replace this. But literally the damage was done one the button surprisingly was hot and it freaked me out like a hot potato. I have went to the doctors and they did say that I have some burnt nerve damage that should come back in a couple weeks but now I’m stuck here with Apple telling me it’s my fault that the buttons at heart and I’m responsible to pay a deductible to replace an iPad which at this point I don’t even want an iPad that has a fingerprint reader on it I’m kind of having fear of even touch in that section of it.. so the question is has anyone else got burnt