Forgot Password for locked notes
Can I ever retrieve my locked notes if I forgot my password
Can I ever retrieve my locked notes if I forgot my password
No. You will need the original password that was used to lock those notes. If you reset the password for locked notes then the new password will ONLY APPLY TO FUTURE NOTES. The previous notes will still require the password that was used to lock those notes.
Axel F.
No. You will need the original password that was used to lock those notes. If you reset the password for locked notes then the new password will ONLY APPLY TO FUTURE NOTES. The previous notes will still require the password that was used to lock those notes.
Axel F.
There should be a way to retrieve information from locked Notes, reason being that secure information is stored there with the aid of Face ID to lock it. Like for my case, after I’ve updated to iOS 15.4, I don’t know why the Face ID option set to unlock my Notes was disabled. Since I’m so used to unlock the Notes with Face ID, I don’t remember my password. So, is there anyway to retrieve the information?
The password to lock the notes was set first and then Face ID was used to insert the password to unlock the note(s). When you make a change to the Face ID or the password then you have to validate that action by entering the password. The iOS 15.4 had an option to use Face ID with a mask. To activate this option the user’s face had to be scanned. If you chose this option then your face was scanned again and locked notes had to validate that with the password.
The only way to open those locked notes is by entering the right password. You will get unlimited guesses at the password.
Axel F.
Forgot Password for locked notes