Preview-Bug: Marking a page in Contact-Sheet-View
Can someone verify this bug or is it just me? (Monterey 12.2.1, iMac 5K 2020)
This bug seems to appear only in small pdfs: I tested size A4 and A5 size: no problems... but with A6 size and smaller, this bug occurs:
In the Preview-App I use the view "contact sheet" to rearrange, delete or rotate one or several pdf-pages:
- When marking a page the "cursor" jumps immediately to the next page (marking the first or the last page is impossible)
- When marking a page (e.g. marking page number 23 can be achieved by clicking page number 22) and rotate it 90 degrees, the page rotates, but the cursor jumps to the next page (-> page 24). So if I want page 23 to rotate 270 degrees, I have to: click page 22, click rotate, click page 22, click rotate, click page 22, click rotate. If I mark 2 or more pages (holding cmd, second+ page can be selected without "the trick"), the marker stays in place and I can rotate as often as i want).
iMac, OS X 10.11