Why won’t iTunes accept my debit Visa card any longer?
Why won’t apple receive my credit debit card?
iPhone 11, iOS 15
Why won’t apple receive my credit debit card?
iPhone 11, iOS 15
Hello again ~ I am sorry you’re having an issue with this. Try this …sign out of your Apple ID then sign back in and try. Or try a forced restart. If those suggestions don’t work it may be best to contact Apple and go over it with them. You can go to the upper right hand corner and click on Get Support or:
Force restart iPhone - Apple Support
Would you post back and let me know how it goes?
Hello ~ What happens when you try to use it? Messages or errors? Perhaps there is an issue with your card or account?
My card is fine. It works everywhere else. It just says I need to use a different card. When your ad says it does accept my card. Nothing in my end is wrong.
Why won’t iTunes accept my debit Visa card any longer?